Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Electrical stimulation is a form of stimulation that promotes muscle growth and strengthens muscles weakened by disease. ES can also be used to treat muscle atrophy, joint mobility, and musculoskeletal dysfunction.

Electrical stimulation is used to:

  • Prevent muscle atrophy with paretic dogs
  • Post-surgery, in non-weight-bearing limbs
  • Promote muscle re-education and strength
  • Hasten post-surgery recovery
  • Reduce pain in acute and chronic conditions

Therapeutic exercises are individual and personalized. They include active, passive, and resisted exercises that are most effective in a dog's rehabilitation.

At All Pets Vet Hospital, we have a wide variety of exercise equipment including:

  • Balance boards
  • Physioballs and physiorolls
  • Cavaletti poles to adjust gait